I wish I could see the places
Your mind goes when you’re alone.
I wish I could feel your heartbeat
When we’re talking on the phone.
I wish I could tell you ‘it’s okay’
Not all mistakes need be atoned.
I wish I could know your pain
As if it were my own
And most of all I wish, I could be by your side
Until we’re both just dust and stone.
How long can we stand it
This cage we’ve been thrust in
How long until we’re free
To roam the places we’ve once been
How long have we been stuck here
Unfeeling and unknown
How long did it take
Until our hearts were cold as stone
How long will they leave us here
Waiting to get out
How long until our voices
Are no longer able to shout
How much longer can we bear it
Before we understand
However long we’re trapped here
Has been left unplanned.
How long until we realize
We’re not the only of our kind
How much time does it take to understand
We’re all just trapped in our own mind.
I knew I loved you from the start,
And I knew you’d leave your mark
I thought love stayed forever,
But in the end all that was left of our spark
Were bruises on my heart
If we could tell people not to fall in love,
The world would be saved a lot of heartbreak.
But sometimes, that heartbreak is worth it.
I miss being little
Not yet sensible enough to be scared
Resilient enough to bounce back
Soldier boy come running
Far away from harm
Soldier boy come running
Into your mother’s arms.
Soldier boy come running
Away from hate and violence
Soldier boy come running
Home to loving quietness.
Soldier boy come running
We miss you so so much
Soldier boy come running
Into your family’s clutch.
Soldier boy come running
You’re always on our minds
Soldier boy come running
And stay ‘till time rewinds.
Soldier boy come running
Come back to where you’re known
Soldier boy come running
Soldier boy come home.
Never dull the gifts you’ve been given.
Embrace them and let them shine.
The flowers that bloom in spring
Always want to grow taller,
Bloom larger
Be brighter
Until winter storms rage leaving them wilted and frozen
Longing for their wasted days of warmth
They snickered and sneered
“You’ll never be as good as us”
“You’re right. I’ll be better”
She proved
These eyes are red and weary from a lack of sleep…
And a lack of hope.